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traces (2014)

An important part of ourselves, are the thoughts, feelings, memories, our past moments. Throughout the course, some of these moments that we carry are engraved strongly, some others more faint. These moments intersect with other moments, reborn, compose new or lost along the way.

Anything that left by the passage of a person or situation is what we are trying to present.
We explore the trail that leaves everyone behind. 

With this performance krama dance company through various art forms, attempts to capture these pathways.
Krama dance company for first time experiments on one of her major artistic concerns, the art collaboration and the combination between traditional and contemporary.

Using as tools live traditional music, contemporary dance, installation , theatre and improvisation krama dance company presented a site specific performance for the 3d Ioannina street theatre festival. 


concept, choreography
karma dance company (Anna Zoumpa, Dora Zoumpa, Evi Zoumpa)


live music by Andreas Andreou (oud)

                      Ilias Mantikos (kanoun)


performers Natalia Baka
Foteini Aggeli
Periklis Skordilis
Labrini Golia
Anna Zoumpa
Dora Zoumpa
Evi Zoumpa 

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