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shadow of a stretched arm (2012)

This is a performance that has been created due to questioning and various thoughts on the issue of power and all its forms. How does power affect each of us directly or indirectly? Where do we meet those different forms of power in our everyday lives? How do they affect us and how do we face them? Do we just accept them passively or we actually react on them? 

Every human fights daily for power and against power. Fighting either to conquer it or to oppose against it. This daily battle meets every single one of us even in the part of the ruler or in the part of the dominated. A battle that can be found even in our personal relationships. This daily phenomenon is a part of our lives whether it's a battle with the remote control and the television screen or a fight that its cause is highly important in terms of the issue of the human rights.

Our Greek origin and the unstable situation in our country is the reason that caused our need to "speak" more intensively regarding these issues. This situation has affected the social structure and is leading people to enormous social, political and interpersonal conflicts. All these stimulations have guided our research and contributed to the creation of "shadow of a stretched arm". It is a performance that aims to enable new ways of thinking and speculation.


krama dance company
(Anna Zoumpa, Dora Zoumpa, Evi Zoumpa)

music composer Kostantis Papakonstantinou


stage designer Pulcheria Tsavdari


Lia Chamilothori
Giada Di Trapani

Ubay Martin
Anna Zoumpa

Dora Zoumpa
Evi Zoumpa

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