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Barking days (2014)

Barking days comes in response to a society that “barks” and that opposes anything that is different and in conflict to it while at the same time composing the time period of immigration;an immigration that may involve any of us. The difficult course begins and we cannot but wonder what makes one side of a border so different from the other. The air is the same, the sun; ground;, water; the

tears and the pain are the same everywhere. Death is the same for everyone. Man travels. He is a refugee... an immigrant.

It is getting dark.
The war siren can be heard.
It is an awakening siren for a society that needs to re-define its course.
It is also a siren that brings a man to face the dilemma regarding immigration.
The time on scene is always present and it is an eternal and restless observer.
A tower is built, the society barks and a man begins his moving... 

Posters of the performance:

Barkig days. This is how we have named our era. The tough and unfair moments which compose our everyday lives.The days that we make decisions towards the “threat” of different. The “stranger” is targeted. As a result the society realises its revenge towards them. It barks and bites.

Just like a dog that barks.

We live in a world separated to cages. Inside them we try to defend what belongs to us. We are ready to demolish the different that tries to find “home” in our land. Fields and pieces - oriented bodies. Notches that mark the land. And the journey begins. People’s photographs one after the other regardless gender, age, colour-the ongoing immigrant, Babel. Before it is fulfilled it is demolished and then rises again. A parallel time and space and the scene changes. The action is progressed with difficult, limitations and restrictions that are created by the borders that constantly increase.


On the scene there are carton boxes. A worthless material that can change shape and disappear within a minute. Though for someone this might be his house, his shelter or even this valuable chest that within it may be included any valuable object he possesses. His memories, his close people, his

hopes and dreams... This box -the one and only fortune of an immigrant- that is the start of change. It is where he runs to seek for his hopes. This chest encourages him to continue to struggle and keeps him alive. It shows him his next step. 

It is a white sheet that brings “death” onstage. Every lost chance, every defeat, every loss, every obstacle, every goodbye, every rejection feels like a little moment of death. A death that man continuously carries inside him and is added to the previous and the next one, until all these little moments become part of a larger “loss”. The goodbye of his people, the knocking down of his dreams. The hopes lost. Deaths coming from racism and dead immigrants that the sea washes up.Every effort for something better is falling apart.A man constantly rises and falls down in exactly the same way.



concept, choreography 

krama dance company (Anna Zoumpa, Dora Zoumpa, Evi Zoumpa) 

music composed by  Kostantis Papakonstantinou 

Video artist  Aristotelis Papakonstantinou 

performers  Anna Zoumpa  Dora Zoumpa  Evi Zoumpa 


graphic designer  Mikaela Liakata 

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